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'Enough' Campaign

Enough' Campaign - Help stop abuse

There are many simple and safe ways to help stop the abuse of women and girls. Even small acts of recognition and support can help prevent it. 'Enough' is a government lead campaign created in collaboration with victims and survivors, the violence against women and girls sector, academics, and victims' services to help put a stop to the abuse against women and girls. 

Abuse takes many forms

It can be emotional, physical, sexual or financial. It can be words or actions. At home or in the street. It can be inflicted by a partner, ex-partner, family member, colleague, friend or stranger. It can be in person, through technology and online.

Whatever form it takes, abuse is never justified. Any behaviour that demeans, frightens or distresses is abuse. It has to stop.

Knowing what abuse is helps us all recognise it when it happens. We can all do something to keep women and girls safe.

Abuse in a public place

This can include:

  • Making sexually explicit comments or gestures in public – whether on the street, in a bar, on public transport or another public place
  • Leering or unwanted staring
  • Sitting uncomfortably close on public transport
  • Unwanted questions about someone’s sex life
  • Unwanted sexual attention or asking for sex
  • Upskirting (taking pictures or filming up someone’s skirt without them knowing)
  • Flashing
  • Following someone
  • Stalking (a pattern of obsessive behaviour which can include sending unwanted presents, making unwanted communication, damaging property, physical or sexual assault. This can be perpetrated by an ex-intimate partner, a stranger or anyone known to the victim)
  • Groping (unwanted sexual touching anywhere on the body, which could be sexual assault)
  • Spiking (when someone puts alcohol or drugs into another person's drink or their body without their knowledge and/or consent)

For more information see the 'Enough' campaign website - click here

'Enough' campaign resources / posters / social media to use in your premises - click here

Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire