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What we cannot consider


Not all environmental nuisances can be considered under the Environmental Protection Act 1990- Section 79. The following nuisances are investigated by our partner agencies and details are provided below:

Traffic noise and road works

Concerns regarding noise disturbance from major roads such as the motorways and dual carriageways are investigated by Highways England

Concerns regarding noise disturbance from a defect or construction of a local road is investigated by each council’s internal Highways team:

Bracknell Forest Council- Highways 
West Berkshire District Council- Highways 

Our page on Commercial nuisance may also help you.

Noise from moving vehicles

Noisy motorbikes and cars being driven in your area are investigated by the Police and should be reported to them directly on 101. See also our page on Nuisance neighbours

Aircraft noise

This is investigated by the Civil Aviation Authority.  

Burning of trade waste

Commercial operators are only permitted to burn waste if they have a specific exemption or permit issued by the Environment Agency. Burning of trade waste is an offence for which the Environment Agency enforce. Where a smoke or odour nuisance is being caused by continued burning, we may be able to assist and you should refer to our Nuisance neighbours pages for further advice.

Anti-social behaviour (ASB)

Nuisance that is created by a neighbourhood event/activity or person's unreasonable behaviour which affects more than a single household would be considered by the Anti-social Behaviour teams in the local area:

You may also find our page on Nuisance neighbours of assistance.

Domestic odour and lifestyle noise nuisances

We are unable to investigate allegations of nuisance from domestic cooking smells, smoking in a domestic property, noise from footsteps/normal voices/conversations or children playing. Where there is a significant concern, we can offer both parties mediation to find a mutual agreement which improves the situation. In severe situations, where this affects more than one household, for example a block of flats, the case can be considered by the relevant Anti-social Behaviour team at:

Bracknell Forest Council - Report anti-social behaviour 
West Berkshire District Council -  Report anti-social behaviour

You may also find our page on Nuisance neighbours of assistance.

Unsightly homes

If a property is untidy or unsightly, this is not a matter for the Public Protection Partnership to investigate and should be referred to the local Planning Enforcement team for consideration as follows:

Bracknell Forest Council
West Berkshire District Council 

You may also find our page on Dangerous buildings helpful.

Waste and nuisance from temporary campsites

Where an area of public or private land has been unlawfully encroached for the occupation of temporary accommodation, this is the land owner’s responsibility to remove any waste, secure and protect their land from future events. Where this is public land, please report to the relevant local authority as follows:

Bracknell Forest Council - Report temporary campsites 
West Berkshire District Council - Report temporary campsites 

You may also find our page about Nuisance neighbours of assistance.

Health and safety

Health and safety enforcement is not always investigated by the local authority, for example construction sites, educational facilities and medical facilities. Please click here to check whether to report to us directly to check whether to report to us or report directly to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE)

For unsafe structures these should be referred to your local Building Control department: 

Bracknell Forest Council 
West Berkshire District Council 

Please visit our Health and safety page for more information.

Water contamination

For pollution of a canal please contact the Canal and Rivers Trust.
For pollution of a river, pond, lake or other water course, please contact the Environment Agency.
For pollution or concerns with your mains drinking water supply, please contact your water provider. In most cases within the PPP this will be Thames Water

You may also find our page on Private water supplies helpful.


The Public Protection Partnership is not responsible for identifying asbestos, potential asbestos. 

HSE (health and safety executive) are responsible for this. 

See link in associated links below. 

Associated links

Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire