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Joint Management Board (JMB)

Joint Management Board (JMB)

The JMB advises the Joint Public Protection Committee (JPPC) and consists of nominated Lead Officers from each of the Partner Authorities. Each Partner must have a Lead Officer on the JMB which assesses a variety of criteria to ensure the good health of the Service, monitors its performance against agreed objectives and chooses the items considered most relevant to update the JPPC quarterly.

JMB membership

  • Assistant Director – Contract Services (Bracknell Forest)
  • Service Director – Development and Regulation (West Berkshire)
  • Public Protection Manager
  • All PPP Strategic Managers
  • Principal Officer Governance and Policy

All JMB meetings have a two part agenda, separating the PPP management and the Commissioned Services management arrangements. The Wokingham Client Officer or their representative will attend the Commissioned Services element of the agenda which will oversee performance and risk.


Meets every two weeks


Advises the JPPC on all matters relevant to the delivery of the service and local needs of the populations being served. Monitoring performance against agreed objectives.

Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire