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Joint Public Protection Committee

Joint Public Protection Committee (JPPC)

This is the top tier of governance of the Partnership. The Membership comprises of six Members, three from each partner authority. Each authority will appoint the Executive/Cabinet Member with responsibility for Public Protection Services and two additional Members reflecting the political balance of the individual Council. At least one officer representing each partner local authority will attend the JPPC to advise Members.  The purpose of the JPPC is primarily to determine on matters of policy and strategic direction for the partnership, including considering and determining applications to be part of the Partnership or the services provided by it. Additionally the JPPC have financial oversight to ensure that budgets are being well managed, to understand any risks that may arise during the term of the agreement, keep under review the agreed percentages and proposing a fee structure for the two Councils.

JPPC membership

An Executive Member from each Unitary Authority (voting member)

Councillor Iskandar Jefferies - Bracknell Forest Council

Councillor Lee Dillon - West Berkshire Council

Two nominated Members from each Unitary Authority (voting member) 

Councillor Guy Gillbe - Bracknell Forest Council

Councillor Nick Allen- Bracknell Forest Council

Councillor Phil Barnett – West Berkshire Council

Councillor Howard Woollaston– West Berkshire Council

All other Executive Members from both authorities are nominated as substitutes on this Committee.

Frequency of meetings



Executive decision making on behalf of all Partner Authorities, setting of policy and service priorities, reviewing performance information and recommending budget proposals to the Partner Authorities.

Associated links

Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire