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18 Jun 2019 - Doing our bit to tackle air pollution on Clean Air Day, 20 June (Bracknell Forest Council)

Thursday 20 June is Clean Air Day and the Public Protection Partnership which delivers Environmental Health, Licensing and Trading Standards services across Bracknell Forest, Wokingham Borough and West Berkshire councils, is encouraging residents and businesses to take action to improve air quality across the three local authorities.

Air pollution is associated with a number of adverse health impacts and can be a contributing factor in the onset of heart disease and cancer. Additionally, it particularly affects the most vulnerable in society, children and older people, and those with heart and lung conditions.

Everybody can have a positive impact on air quality and the PPP wants to encourage residents and businesses across Bracknell Forest to understand what they can do to reduce air pollution and limit its impact on their health and that of others.

Cllr John Harrison, Executive Member for Bracknell Forest, said: β€œA very simple and effective way to improve the air quality in our borough is for more of us who live and work here to use public transport or even reduce the need to travel by working from home one or two days a week if possible. We offer a good range of public transport across Bracknell Forest and you can find out about transport near you by logging onto Travel and Public Transport - your one stop destination for travel information and advice in and around Bracknell Forest. Alternatively, why not consider walking, cycling, or even buying an electric car?”

He went on to say: β€œOn Clean Air Day, in particular, we want to get the message across that everybody can have a positive impact on air quality. Bracknell Forest is a high tech borough and we want to encourage businesses across Bracknell Forest to support flexible and remote working and residents to use alternative means of transport which will help to reduce air pollution and limit its impact on their health and that of others.”

Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire