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17 April 2020 - Are you providing food support for your community during the Coronavirus pandemic?

Are you providing food support for your community during the Coronavirus pandemic?
If so we're looking to help.
Public Protection Partnership aim to provide Food Safety, Health and Safety and Trading Standards advice and assistance to any community groups or individuals that are providing support to vulnerable or isolating households in this time of Coronavirus pandemic lockdown.
To help ensure we get the right information to the right place we would ask that any group or individual who undertaking the following activities to please contact us directly for advice:
  • Collecting and storing food in order to package and re-distribute to residents
  •  Breaking down and re-packing bulk packages or catering packages for re-distribution to residents
  •  Producing meals for distribution to residents
  •  Providing a collection and delivery service for hot meals to residents
Anyone providing a simple shopping collection and delivery service need not contact us.
We do not wish to discourage any organisation or individual from helping their local communities however, we do have a duty to ensure that any such help is provided in a safe manner.
Please contact Catherine Henderson on 01635 503609 or email Catherine.henderson1@westberks.gov.uk
Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire