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21 April 2020 - Coronavirus Scams: "We are issuing you a formal warning and £250 fine.....

Coronavirus Scams:

This SMS scam message has recently been bought to our attention:
"We are issuing you a formal warning and £250 fine.
If this continues, the fine could increase to a maximum of £5,000 and/or an arrest.
Payment will be taken automatically out of your account.
Call 0800 345 9999 for any enquiries or to appeal.”
The text 'appears' to be legitimate as it has links to what looks like the genuine government website and it uses common slogans such as “Stay at home. Protect the NHS. Save lives."
However this is a SCAM - Do not call the number or click on the links sent in these types of messages.
Unfortunately, these type of scams appear to be growing in number as Matt Burton, the Chief Risk Officer for Quilter explains:
“This is a difficult time for all of us and of course everyone’s number one focus is on the imminent threat to public health, and the need to stay safe and protect themselves and others. But we also need to be cautious about the need to stay safe financially. Regrettably a small number of unscrupulous individuals are seeking to exploit the current situation for financial fraud."
Currently COVID-19 themed phishing domains are being registered at a rate of 1,500 per day with around 250,000 spam emails being sent from them.
Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire