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25 March 2020 - Coronavirus Update - Can I Make Food Deliveries from my Business Premises?

Can I make food deliveries from my business premises?

Information for businesses considering making food deliveries from my business premises.

Food businesses registered with Bracknell Forest, West Berkshire  or Wokingham Council are in some instances permitted to carry out food deliveries. As a rule, this may be subject to compliance with planning conditions or the need for planning permission. However, the Government has announced they are to relax any planning restrictions for pubs, restaurants and cafes at this time to help businesses adapt and support individuals who are staying at home as a result of coronavirus. This in effect means that the council wouldn't investigate any potential breaches in planning during this period

If alcohol is to be sold and delivered, this is a licensable activity and cannot take place unless an existing licence is in force which permits you to do so.

You must ensure that strict allergen control measures are in place.  Allergen information regarding any food or drink supplied must be provided to the customer at the point of ordering and with the order itself. 

Food deliveries must be considered as part of your food hazard analysis and the resulting safety control measures must be included in your food safety management system such as "Safer Food Better Business" or equivalent.

Relevant food safety guidance for business including information on allergens, hazard analysis, Safer Food Better Business, distance selling and producing food on the move is available from the Food Standards Agency website.

Whilst we are providing this guidance during the current circumstances, please note that this is subject to change. You should follow the most recent advice provided by the government and Public Health England when looking to make changes in the way you operate your business.


Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire