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03 March 2020 - Custodial Sentence for Roofing Trader

Custodial Sentence for Roofing Trader 

James Dean Fenton trading as Fascia Line, has pleaded guilty to three consumer protection offences in relation to property maintenance works at two properties in Thatcham, West Berkshire following investigation by officers from the Public Protection Partnership (PPP) Trading Standards Acquisitive Crime Team.

Mr Fenton (26) of Old Stocks Farm, Paices Hill, undertook roofing and painting work at the home of two Thatcham residents in the summer of 2018.

The trading practices of Mr Fenton were found to contravene the requirements of professional diligence at both properties. Furthermore, Mr Fenton failed to provide one homeowner with information regarding their right to cancel a contract made in their home.

On Friday 14 February 2020 Mr Fenton appeared at Reading Crown Court and received a six month custodial sentence suspended for twelve months along with a rehabilitation activity requirement of 15 days. Mr Fenton was further required to undertake 100 hours unpaid work. Finally £1500 compensation was awarded to one of the victims. Intervention by Trading Standards Officers prevented the other victims losing money.

Councillor Hilary Cole, (West Berkshire) Chairman of the Joint Public Protection Committee said, “This is yet another example of unfair trading crimes perpetrated upon residents in our area. “The fact that Mr Fenton was committed to the Crown Court demonstrates how seriously these matters are taken. We will continue to investigate all such incidents brought to our attentions and I would urge any Bracknell, West Berkshire or Wokingham resident to come forward if they believe they or someone they know are a victim of trading related crime.”

Any Bracknell, Wokingham or West Berkshire resident or business who wishes to report concerns about traders working at their property is urged to contact the PPP (01635) 519930 or e-mail to tsadvice@westberks.gov.uk.

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Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire