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26 March 2020 - Enforcement of closure of all retailers that sell non-essential goods and other non-essential premises

Enforcement of closure of all retailers that sell non-essential goods and other non-essential premises

As you will be aware the government announced earlier this week the closure the closure of all retailers that sell non-essential goods and other non-essential premises, as part of further social distancing measures.
Local government will be responsible for enforcing regulations requiring those businesses asked to close on 20 March 2020, in new guidance issued (22 March 2020).
Businesses including pubs, cinemas, theatres and casinos were told to close from 21 March, as part of government drive to reduce the spread of the virus, protect the NHS and save lives.
Government has confirmed that Environmental Health and Trading Standards officers, with police support if appropriate, will work together to issue prohibition notices challenging unsafe behaviours where businesses do not follow these restrictions.
Environmental Health and Trading Standards officers will monitor compliance, and businesses who fail to comply can also receive fines. Continued non-compliance could then lead to the loss of alcohol licenses.
If you are aware of a business who is continuing to trade and therefore risking the health of their staff and the public and is listed on the government 'closed businesses' list - see below
Please notify us via our on-line form here
We appreciate the support from business owners who have already complied. We would also welcome support from the public in notifying us via the form here of any breaches of businesses not closing that have been requested to do so. 
Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire