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2 April 2020 - FAQ's Trading Standards Re Coronavirus - COVID-19

FAQ's Trading Standards Re Coronavirus - COVID-19


How do I report cases of people profiteering from the COVID-19 situation?

There have been reports of businesses and individuals selling everyday goods that are in short supply for extortionate prices, which is known as profiteering.

The Competition and Marketing Authority (CMA) has set up a COVID-19 task force to look into reports of such business practices. You can make complaints / report issues via the CMA website:


Alternatively, you can email the CMA directly:


How do I report non-essential businesses that are trading illegally during the COVID-19 crisis?

Central Government has ordered some non-essential businesses to close until further notice in order to help halt the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Further guidance is available here:


However, some businesses have continued to trade despite the Government ban. The Police and Local Authority can act to close premises where illegal trading is taking place. If you are aware of illegal trading activity, then please report it via the Public Protection Partnership website:


How do I report personal protective equipment that I suspect to be unsafe?

Our Trading Standards Team has received reports of the sale of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) such as face masks and hand sanitiser, which may not be safe. They will investigate complaints and will work with the Office for Product Safety to ensure all products put on the market are safe. If you suspect that any items of PPE are unsafe, then please report this via the Public Protection Partnership website:


How do I know if someone offering help to self-isolating residents is genuine?

The Community Support Hubs are coordinate local support across Bracknell Forest, West Berkshire and Wokingham to meet the needs of those who are self-isolating because they are vulnerable or have been advised to stay at home:

If you need help please contact the following:

West Berkshire
01635 503579 open 900.-17.00

Bracknell Forest
01344 266911 open 8.00-22.00

Citizens Advice Bureau Support on 0118 9787258 open 9.00-17.00

To protect yourself from scams:

1. If you do not know the person who has contacted you, then do not engage with them unless you have accessed support through a recognised community support group.
2. Never feel pressured into making any decision or entering into a contract.
3. Only buy goods from trusted retailers.
4. Do not pay any money up front – be very wary of anyone who asks for payment in advance of providing goods or services.
5. Never give out any financial information.

What should I do if I come across someone trying to sell COVID-19 cures or vaccines?

There is currently no cure or vaccine for the COVID-19 virus, so anyone seeking to sell you a miracle cure or vaccine is fake. All instances should be reported via the Public Protection Partnership Coronavirus Enforcement website:



Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire