Gambling Act 2005 Licensed Premises FAQ’s – COVID 19 - Dated 27th April 2020
The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Business Closure) (England) Regulations 2020 specifically include gambling premises within the list of businesses that are subject to restrictions or closure.
Bingo halls, casinos, betting shops and amusement arcades are all included in the list of premises which must be closed.
Guidance & FAQ's - operators and consumers
Gambling Commission Covid-19 Guidance & FAQ's for operators updated on a regular basis and can be found on line:
In light of the outbreak and the government’s latest requirement to stay at home, more people will be engaging with online gambling websites.
Gambling Commission advice on keeping consumers safe is available on line:
Annual Fees
Premises Licence
Premises Licences issued under the Gambling Act 2005 are subject to revocation for non-payment of annual fees so it remains critical that fees are paid if operators would like to immediately commence trading once restrictions are lifted. Should a licence be revoked for non-payment the only option to recommence trading would be following the grant of a new premises licence, which would require a further consultation period and associated application costs.
Licensed Premises Gaming Machine Permit
Some premises licensed under the Licensing Act 2003 may also benefit from a Licensed Premises Gaming Machine Permit (LPGMP), which is subject to the Gambling Act 2005. If LPGMP annual fees are not paid, the Act requires Licensing Authorities to cancel the permit unless non-payment is due to an administrative error. There will be a risk of cancellation if fees are not paid. In these circumstances, should operators wish to operate gaming machines in the future, a new application would be required along with the associated costs.
There are several permits granted under the Gambling Act 2005 that require renewal during a specific time period. Failure to apply during the relevant period will result in expiry of the permit and the need to apply for a new one.