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25 March 2020 - Increase in Stray Dogs

Animal Warden Update:
This week we have seen an increase in the number of calls we have received about lost and found dogs.
Whilst our in-house Animal Warden and the out of hours wardens are doing everything they can to ensure stray dogs are collected and wherever possible returned to their rightful owner we are having to take a number of dogs to kennels in the hope they are claimed within 7 days.
A number of rescue centres have temporarily closed, due to the Coronavirus outbreak, to ensure the safety of their staff which is limiting the number of dogs we can take to kennels or consider for re homing. We also need to ensure our animal wardens are safe and not put at any unnecessary risk over the coming weeks.
Please take the following actions to ensure your dogs are kept safe:
➡️Ensure your dog’s microchip is registered with your current address and contact details and is wearing a collar with identification tag with name, address and telephone number. Both of these are legal requirements
➡️Make sure your garden is 100%
➡️Consider keeping your dog on a lead whilst walking during the next few weeks so that they do not run off or get lost
➡️Be careful who you allow to walk your dog and that it is someone who can keep the dog under control
For more information please see our Animal Warden page here
Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire