So what can you and can't you do on or after 4th July? Coronavirus outbreak FAQs:
The .Gov link below answers many questions people have with regards to gatherings, public spaces, and activities. The link includes the answers to the following questions:
➡️Do I have to stay at home anymore?
➡️What businesses are reopening?
➡️What will need to remain closed by law?
➡️So when do these changes apply?
➡️Can I start visiting people indoors now?
➡️How many people am I allowed to meet with outdoors?
➡️Can I visit a clinically vulnerable person?
➡️Are there restrictions on how far I can travel?
➡️Can I use public transport if I’m seeing friends in a park or going to my parents’ garden?
➡️Can I share a private vehicle with someone from another household?
➡️Are day trips ok?
➡️Can I go on holiday? Can I stay in my second home?
➡️Will public toilets and playgrounds reopen?
➡️Can I visit outdoor tourist sites? What about indoor ones?
➡️Is there a limit on the number of people attending funerals?
➡️Can weddings go ahead?
➡️Can I pray in a place of worship?
➡️Can I attend an activity club or support group?
➡️Can I go to a pub or restaurant with people I don’t live with?
➡️Can I register the birth of my child?
➡️Can I go to the theatre or a concert?
➡️When will I be able to go to the theatre or watch a football match?
➡️Can I gather in larger groups for any reason?