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30 June 2020 - Summary of Support for Business Re-Opening

Summary of Support from PPP

Summary of support from PPP for businesses looking to re-open soon:

As many cafes, restaurants, hairdressers and pubs look to re-open this weekend, or shortly after, we wanted to remind you of the support available from PPP:
  • Covid-19 Toolkit - Helping you restart your business safely. A comprehensive list of what to do and links on where to find the right information:
  • Pre-opening Licensing Checklist - Useful checklist for those businesses with a licensed premises
  • Legionnaires’disease: lockdown risks and reopening safely
  • Latest Government Guidance on re-opening can be found here:
  • For all the updates on Coronavirus and all other matters relating to Environmental Health, Licensing and Trading Standards for Bracknell Forest Council, West Berkshire Council and Wokingham Borough Council see the PPP COVID-19 website page below.
Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire