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04 March 2020 - Support with Confidence Reaches Milestone

West Berkshire and Wokingham Care Scheme reaches Milestone

The West Berkshire and Wokingham Support with Confidence Scheme has recently reached a milestone when it admitted its 50th Member into the Scheme.

The Scheme which is managed by the Public Protection Partnership working with Wokingham and West Berkshire Adult Social Care Teams is designed to raise standards and provide assurance in the adult social care sector particularly for the those self-employed providers that fall outside the Care Quality Commission regulatory framework.

Providers wishing to join the scheme have to undergo a variety of background checks to ensure they are suitable to be working in the sector. They are also required to undertake a range of training in areas including Safeguarding and other various aspects of the safety and quality of care provision.

Those Members admitted to the scheme are also supported in their endeavors to become successful businesses as well as successful providers. Members in Wokingham and West Berkshire have recently completed their third Business Workshop in Wokingham. Commissioned by Support with Confidence, this training was designed, amongst other things, to help care providers to understand business models, tax, working with others legally and when to register with CQC.

Sharon Geronymakis, from Amigos Community Care Limited said ‘I have found the business training very informative and have taken note, of many things, including HMRC, taxes. I even forwarded some of the information to my accountant. The training has helped making some decisions and I also found that learning about CQC and their regulations was very interesting with good guidance provided.’
Radu Tobol from Us4All Care, said of the scheme – ‘Support with Confidence are always there when you need them, providing amazing support and clear guidance.’

Cllr Hilary Cole (West Berkshire) Chair of the Joint Public Protection Committee said, ‘This is a great example of the work of the Public Protection Service. It helps local businesses whilst providing protection and support to our communities and in some cases vulnerable residents. It is also an excellent example of cross department working with the PPP working in partnership with the adult social care teams in Wokingham and West Berkshire’.

Pip Collings, who is a Lead Officer for Business Development in the Public Protection Partnership and the SWC Scheme Manager said ‘The business training has been really useful for our members, who, though they may have been care providers for many years, are new to running a business.’.

For more information about Support with Confidence and an application form, please go to our website https://info.westberks.gov.uk/supportwithconfidence

If you are looking for a care worker in Wokingham or West Berkshire, you will also find a list of approved carers on the website.

Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire