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Contact us

Service enquiries

The most efficient and effective way of bringing any service request to the attention of the Public Protection Partnership (PPP) is through the Make a service request form. These requests are received by the Partnership Support Customer Care team who will direct your request to the appropriate PPP team.

Alternatively if you would like to you can speak to, or email, a member of our Customer Care team please use:



General enquiries

Social Media

For general updates on all matters relating to the work and remit of PPP please follow us on social media for updates and news:

Facebook link - click here

Twitter link - click here

Opening hours

Our Partnership Support Customer Care service is open 8:30am to 5:00pm Monday to Thursday, and 8:30am to 4:30pm on Fridays. We are not open on weekends or bank holidays.


You should find everything you need on our website. Alternatively you can send us a general enquiry by using our Make an enquiry form.


Partnership Support Customer Care on 01635 503242.

In writing

Our main postal address is:

Public Protection Partnership
Theale Library
Church Street
Berkshire RG7 5BZ

Give us feedback

We welcome all feedback so that we can identify how we are doing and where we can improve our services. You can give us feedback by using our Customer Feedback form.

Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire