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Support for Residents - Cost of Living

Support for Residents - Cost of Living


Damp & Mould

Is your home secure, accessible, warm, fire safe, well lit, dry, insulated, damp and mould free and well wired? The PPP’s Environmental Health Housing team work to improve housing standards across the Bracknell and West Berkshire Boroughs.

We offer advice to residents, landlords, home owners and colleagues by upholding minimum standards across multiple areas such as energy efficiency and maintenance of housing elements; with a view to taking enforcement actions in a proportionate way where appropriate. We offer advice to residents in any tenure of accommodation.

Given the cost of living developments of the last year making tenants more exposed to rogue landlords and poor maintenance works; Environmental Health have a particular focus on tackling rogue landlord behaviour and reducing the health effects living in unsafe and unsuitable housing has on occupants.

Recent news around damp and mould has focused the nation’s attention on this housing hazard. Further advice can be found using the following here.

For more general advice or to report a housing problem to the team please use the following:


Housing Conditions - Owner Occupied Properties

Environmental Health recognise a number of residents have difficulty maintaining their properties due to costs. Increases in the price of building materials, tradesmen and utilities can lead to building defects deteriorating into housing hazards with health implications or owners attempting dangerous works that can put them at risk of harm if not undertaken correctly.   

There are support mechanisms in place via schemes such as flexible home improvement loans (FHIL) If you are not eligible for a FHIL and have housing hazards such as damp from a leaking roof you can speak with someone from the cost of living hub who may be able to help further. 

Support for West Berkshire residents - click here

Support for Bracknell Forest residents - click here


Illegal Evictions and Bullying / Harassing Behaviour

There has been an increase in the frequently of landlords attempting to remove tenants without following due legal process. Eviction must involve correct service of a section 8 or section 21 notice or a tenant coming to a voluntary agreement with their landlord to surrender the rights to a property in certain circumstances.

At no point should threatening, bullying or harassing behaviour be tolerated in the landlord / tenant relationship. Each case is unique and is best enforced by either The Police, Environmental Health or Trading Standards depending on specifics.

Eviction notices are only valid with the correct supporting documentation in place beforehand such as an up-to-date gas safety certificate and a correctly held tenancy deposit in an approved scheme. More advice is available on the Shelter Website 


Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO)

There has been an increase in unauthorised HMO properties forming where residents move in together to reduce costs such as rent and utilities. HMOs have a higher standard of safety precautions such as fire doors with self-closing devices fitted, thumb turn locks on final escape doors and emergency lighting where appropriate. 

Where 5 or more persons live in one property; making up two or more households, this may qualify as a mandatory licensable HMO. The rules differ slightly for owner occupiers taking in lodgers and other permitted occupiers, see links below




If you believe your property may require an HMO licence or you do not believe there are appropriate safety measures in place to protect occupants, please contact Environmental Health on 01635 503242 or email ehadvice@westberks.gov.uk


Caravan / Pak Home Inspections

As with other housing tenures, there is a risk that caravan and park home site maintenance may not be adequately undertaken. If you live on or visit a licenced caravan or park home site and notice safety concerns, these can be reported to Environmental Health on 01635 503242 or email ehadvice@westberks.gov.uk


Financial Support & Reducing Costs

Government initiatives - click here

Support for West Berkshire residents - click here

Support for Bracknell Forest residents - click here

Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire