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Air Quality Management Areas

We have a duty under Part IV of the Environment Act 1995 to periodically review and assess the air quality within our areas. This is part of the Government’s National Air Quality Strategy.  

An Air Quality Management Area (AQMA) is an area where air pollution levels have exceeded the national air quality objectives.

The air quality objectives are set for the following pollutants: 

  • nitrogen dioxide 
  • particulate matter
  • carbon dioxide
  • benzene
  • 1,3-butadiene
  • sulphur dioxide
  • lead and
  • ozone.

In the Public Protection Partnership (PPP) area there are several locations which do not meet the national air quality objectives for nitrogen dioxide, these have all been declared as AQMAs. These areas all have high traffic concentrations so the exceedances are not unexpected or different from any other towns with traffic congestion, particularly in the south east.  

We have now revised the Air Quality Action Plans (AQAP) which outline the approach we will take to reduce air pollution and prevent levels increasing. However, the issues are unlikely to be resolved by the PPP in isolation which is why we need to work in partnership with others to develop strategies which can make a difference to the air we breathe.

See link here for map of Air Quality Management Areas. 


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Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire