Anti-Idling Bumper Sticker Schools Competition
The Public Protection Partnership recently ran a competition for local schools to design a sticker for a rear car window, encouraging the driver behind to switch off their engine when they’re idling unnecessarily. Leaving a car engine running when the car isn’t moving still releases harmful particles which pollute our air, which is bad for our health and the environment. By placing stickers in the back window of our cars we can encourage the driver behind us to turn off their engine when they aren’t moving, helping to clean up the air around us.
After receiving lots of excellent entries from schools in each of the three boroughs, schools and the PPP EQ team voted for the design they felt would be the most impactful, encouraging drivers behind to switch off their engines when appropriate to do so. The winning design came from Ascot Heath Primary School, and stickers are available to order through PPP for display in your personal vehicle, in your business’ fleet, or to hand out to drivers during the school run. If you would like a copy/copies of the sticker, please send details through to quoting “PPP Anti-Idling Sticker Request” in the subject line. Your email should include the quantity of how many stickers you would like and where they need to be posted to. Stickers will be sent free of charge subject to order quantities and availability.