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DEFRA AQ Grant (2021/22)

DEFRA Air Quality Grant

PPP have been awarded £259K from the DEFRA Air Quality grant programme.

The grant is to monitor Particulate Matter PM2.5 at the schools within and close to Air Quality Management Area’s across the three local authority areas and those near them, and find out site specific ways to reduce PM2.5 concentrations.

Furthermore, the project aims to to change the behaviour of those 448,000 residents who drive in the three boroughs by launching an anti-idling campaign. Each borough is adopting the powers under The Road Traffic (Vehicle Emissions) (Fixed penalty) England Regulations 2002 which gives discretionary powers to Local Authorities to issue fixed penalty notices, in relation to emission and idling offences under s 42 of the Road Traffic Act 1988.

Increased signage and banners will also be sourced through the project, helping to spread awareness of engine idling and the dangers it poses to our health and the environment.

Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire