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Contaminated land

We are involved in identifying, dealing with and advising on the development of contaminated land. Over the years industrial activity and waste disposal have resulted in the potential contamination of some areas of land. We are the main regulator of contaminated land for Bracknell Forest and West Berkshire Councils. If you need information on a particular piece of land please refer to Request for Environmental Information.

Dealing with contaminated land

There are two main ways of dealing with contaminated land. These are:

• Planning and development control and
• Part IIA of the Environmental Protection Act 1990. 

Under this legislation we are responsible for identifying and remedying sites defined as being 'contaminated'. Please refer to our Contaminated Land Strategy documents in the Associated documents below to understand our approach to this issue.

Planning and development control 

We frequently deal with planning applications for development on previously used land, often referred to as 'brownfield land'. In many cases these sites may be contaminated due to historical and/or industrial use. To ensure development is safe, planning applications are reviewed to check whether that land is potentially contaminated. If this is the case, recommendations will be made advising that the planning application approval should be subject to appropriate conditions. Please refer to our guidance and seek advice from our planning teams before making an application. 

Associated links

Associated documents

Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire