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Approval of a food establishment

Certain food establishments are required to be approved rather than registered. If you handle products of animal origin, like meat, fish, milk and/or eggs and you supply food to other businesses, you may need to be approved. 

Establishments that are approved by the PPP are:

• meat preparation, cold store and re-wrapping and re-packaging establishments
• fish and shellfish establishments, including dispatch and purification centres, processing plants and fresh fishery establishments and 
• animal produce establishments that produce raw milk and dairy products and eggs and egg products, including packing centres, processing plants, liquid egg plants.

Establishments must be approved or conditionally approved before they can operate 

If your establishment is already trading and you have not been conditionally approved you need to make an application as soon as possible. To apply for approval please download, complete and submit the Approval of a Food Establishment Application Form in Associated documents below.

If you are unsure whether any aspect of your food operations would require your establishment to be approved or should you have queries about the application and decision making process please contact us

Changes to details supplied after application must be notified

These include a change of Food Business Operator, activities carried out in relation to food and the closure of a business. A change of Food Business Operator should be notified by the new Food Business Operator.


We maintain an up-to-date database of food business establishments which have been approved or conditionally approved by us. Lists of approved food establishments are available at the Food Standards Agency website

Approval for the following establishments is undertaken by the Food Standards Agency:

• slaughterhouses
• cutting plants
• game handling establishments and
• wholesale meat markets.

The Food Standards Agency contact details are: approvals@food.gov.uk and 01904 232060.

Associated documents

cheese storage facility
Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire