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The Public Protection Partnership has a range of services and functions relating to the private rented housing sector aimed at supporting landlords and tenants in ensuring properties and living conditions within our area meet minimum standards. These include:

  • enforcing Houses in Multiple Occupation management standards
  • licensing of Houses in Multiple Occupation
  • providing an advisory services within certain areas of the private rented sector
  • regulating housing safety using the Housing Health and Safety Rating System (HHSRS) and
  • leading on campaigns and tackling rogue landlords.


If you wish to make a complaint about your rented property , whether Private rental or Registered Social Landlord, then please contact us.

 Please include:

  •  The latest correspondence between your landlord/managing agent and you on this problem.
  • Contact details for your landlord or agent (Name, Phone & email)
  • Photos/videos of the problem if possible.


Associated links

Associated documents

Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire