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Cost of Living

Cost of Living - Residential 

Is your home secure, accessible, warm, fire safe, well lit, dry, insulated, damp and mould free and well wired? The PPP’s Environmental Health Housing team work to improve housing standards across the Bracknell and West Berkshire Boroughs.

We offer advice to residents, landlords, home owners and colleagues by upholding minimum standards across multiple areas such as energy efficiency and maintenance of housing elements; with a view to taking enforcement actions in a proportionate way where appropriate. We offer advice to residents in any tenure of accommodation.

Given the cost of living developments of the last year making tenants more exposed to rogue landlords and poor maintenance works; Environmental Health have a particular focus on tackling rogue landlord behaviour and reducing the health effects living in unsafe and unsuitable housing has on occupants.

Recent news around damp and mould has focused the nation’s attention on this housing hazard. Further advice can be found using the following here.

For more general advice or to report a housing problem to the team please use the following:


Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire