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Industrial pollution

The Environment Agency and local authorities are responsible for checking that businesses carrying out certain activities which have the potential to cause air pollution have permission to do so.  We issue permits under the Pollution Prevention and Control legislation and inspect premises to ensure the permit conditions are being adhered to.

We maintain public registers which list the permits issued in our areas for activities such as cement batching plants, car respraying, dry cleaners, petrol filling stations, mobile concrete crushers and crematoria.

If you operate a business or process which requires a permit, please download and complete the appropriate application form, found in Associated documents below, and submit to ehadvice@westberks.gov.uk.

DEFRA is responsible for the regulation of industrial processes, please refer to the publications in Associated links below for further details of how industry is regulated, and, our fees and charges schedule.


The Public Protection Partnership is not responsible for identifying asbestos, potential asbestos. 

HSE (health and safety executive) are responsible for this. 

See link in associated links below. 


Associated links

Associated documents

industrial facility showing cement manufacture
Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire