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Infectious disease

All registered medical practitioners must provide information to PPP about confirmed and suspected cases of notifiable diseases.

Notification enables prompt investigation and response, which can minimise the spread of infectious disease in the community and make identifying the source of infection or contamination more achievable.

PPP investigate notifications received, in strict medical confidence.

In certain circumstances we have the power to require a health protection response.  Measures include a requirement to keep a child away from school and requests to disinfection/decontaminate premises and things.

In other circumstances we may apply for a legal order to be imposed by a Justice of the Peace, at a Magistrates' Court.  An order detailing a restriction or requirement may be considered necessary to deal with a threat to human health from infection or contamination that presents, or could present, significant harm. An order may, for example, require that a person is detained in a hospital or other suitable establishment or is kept in isolation or quarantine.

The health protection measures and responses are outlined in:

 The Public Health (Control of Disease) Act 1984 (as amended)
• The Health Protection (Local Authority Powers) Regulations 2010 and
• The Health Protection (Part 2A Orders) Regulations 2010.

Infection prevention and control guidance for community care settings

• Care homes: infection prevention and control and
• Health protection in schools and other childcare facilities.

washing hands with soap
Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire