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Dangerous buildings

Although dangerous buildings are mostly a matter for building control departments to deal with, the Public Protection Partnership (PPP) may be able to assist with privately rented lived-in properties or derelict properties that pose a hazard to tenants or visitors of those properties. For details on dangerous buildings click here.  

For more information on domestic rented properties, please refer to GOV.UK

Where a building requires boarding up or securing, the service may enforce upon the owner of the property that this is carried out where the building is a risk to the public.

If you are concerned that rented the property that you live in is structurally dangerous, or that a building nearby needs to be made secure from entry, please contact us.

What do I do if I consider other structures to be dangerous?

You will need to contact the local building control service.  The links below will take you to the relevant pages for building control services where you can get advice.

Associated links

Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire