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Safe drone use is regulated by the Civilian Aviation Authority (CAA) Air Navigation Order 2016.  The new Drone Code is available to download at http://dronesafe.uk/.  Advice includes registration, assessing use around height, congestion, intrusion and collision risks.  Use on private land requires consent and any issues or concerns from residents relating to Council owned roads or use of the parking areas should be directed to parking@westberks.gov.uk or call on 01635 519213.

Where the Public Protection Partnership receives complaints of this nature, complainants are encouraged to contact the CAA whereby they are able to submit a concern or complaint. https://www.caa.co.uk/Our-work/Make-a-report-or-complaint/Report-a-safety-concern/.  Where there are intrusion or privacy concerns, complainants should contact the police using the 101 number.

For noise related complaints, Local Authorities have powers to take action, where justified, under the Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014. To count as anti-social behaviour, that behaviour has to have a detrimental effect on the quality of life of those in the locality; be of a persistent or continuing nature; and be unreasonable.  This excludes annoyance.   The threshold for Statutory (noise) Nuisance would not be too dissimilar insofar as there would need to be both an unreasonable use of noisy drones and that such noise prevents an individual’s normal use of their own property.

The PPP service does not hold information submitted to the CAA or the Police.

Drone Picture
Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire