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Flytipping is the illegal dumping of any waste or rubbish on public land or sites which are unauthorised to accept waste.

If the rubbish is dumped on private land the landowner is responsible for removing it. If you find fly tipped material on private land you will need to inform the landowner. To identify the landowner you can contact the Land Registry or your local parish council who may have information on who owns the land. Landowners unfortunately will have to pay for the cost of disposal of fly-tipped materials.

How to report flytipping

The service provided for Bracknell Forest area only:

Please do not put yourself in any danger, but where possible when you witness flytipping make a note of what you see and use our online form. 

Click here for the service provided for West Berkshire.


discarded household items lying at side of road
Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire