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High hedges

High Hedge legislation is contained in Part 8 of the Anti Social Behaviour (ASB) Act 2003.

It is recognised that poor management of high hedges may cause distress to neighbouring properties by excluding natural light. However this is not always a matter that can be dealt with by the Public Protection Partnership (PPP).

Before any formal complaint is accepted by the PPP the aggrieved party should be able to demonstrate evidence of failed attempts to engage the owner of the hedge over a reasonable length of time. There is a fee for this service as the PPP’s initial involvement is administrative; the investigation of any formal complaint is outsourced to consultants in Bracknell Forest and West Berkshire but enforcement is taken by the PPP. 

There is a right of Appeal, should the PPP take enforcement action.  This is heard by the Planning Inspectorate.

Complaints may take some time to reach a conclusion.

Please note this matter is dealt with differently across the PPP - please see the following contact details:

Bracknell Forest and West Berkshire residents should contact us for more advice.


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row of very high hedges
Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire