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The Public Protection Partnership (PPP) is responsible for the administration and enforcement of a wide range of licences, consents, permits and registrations. 

Alongside processing a range of licence applications we carry out inspections of licensed premises and vehicles, collect payment for annual fees and have the powers to suspend licences for non-payment of fees.

The team is also responsible for co-ordination of the Safety Advisory Group which provides help and advice to event organisers.

How to Complain about a Licence Holder

If you want to complain about a licence holder, and the licence has been issued by one of our councils, please contact us. You can also contact Citizens Advice who may be able to help you.

Bracknell Forest: Licence.All@Bracknell-Forest.gov.uk  

West Berkshire Council: licensing@westberks.gov.uk 

Premises licensed for sale of alcohol and entertainment

If you experience noise or other disturbances relating to premises licensed for sale of alcohol and entertainment, we recommend you speak to your neighbours and find out if they are having similar problems. After that you should contact the business itself to make them aware of the problem and see if you can reach a solution or compromise. If you cannot resolve the problem informally please contact us so we can investigate.

If the problem is ongoing, we would suggest you keep a diary detailing the problems (date, time, what happened).

If it is a criminal matter, you should contact the police. If all else fails, you can seek a review of the premises licence. Reviews allow the Licensing Panel to look at the licence and if necessary the Panel can change the licence conditions or, in extreme cases, can suspend or revoke all or part of the licence.

Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire