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Club premises certificate

The Licensing Act 2003

Licensing Act 2003

Making an application

Applications should be made to the local authority where the club premises are situated.

A qualifying club can apply for a club premises certificate for any premises occupied and used regularly for club purposes. To constitute a qualifying club you must satisfy the various requirements set out in the Licensing Act 2003. You will need to let us know:

  • your club premises details and the name and address of the club secretary
  • the licensable activities you want to provide at the premises and the times when you would like to be able to provide them
  • your opening hours
  • a detailed plan of the premises - you can find out more about this in our guidance
  • the steps that you will take to promote the four licensing objectives and
  • a copy of the club rules.

Club declaration

You will need to provide a declaration of your qualifying club status. 

A qualifying club applying for a club premises certificate does not need a personal licence holder identified as a Designated Premises Supervisor (DPS) as there is no sale of alcohol by retail taking place.

To apply

You can download an application form and guidance notes for applicants from Associated documents below. Further information can also be found on GOV.UK

Bracknell Forest:

West Berkshire: 

Applications for West Berkshire Council may be given by post or electronically by emailing the completed application form and all the required documents to the relevant licensing authority. Your application will not be considered to be valid until all information including the fee has been received by the relevant licensing authority:

West Berkshire Licensing, Council Offices, Market St, Newbury, RG14 5LD or scanned and emailed to West Berkshire Licensing, for payment of the fee see below under Payment.


You will be charged a fee that is based on the non-domestic rateable value of the premises. Please view the current licensing fees and charges to find out how much you will need to pay.


To make a payment


After you've submitted your application, you must display a blue notice at the premises for 28 days and place an advertisement in a local newspaper within the first 10 working days of the submission date.  

There will be a consultation period for 28 days from the date you submitted the application during which responsible authorities and other people (e.g. local residents or businesses) can object.

Consultation with specified responsible authorities is part of the application process.

If there are no objections, the club premises certificate will be granted.

If there are objections, the Licensing Sub-Committee will consider the application at a public hearing.

Duration of licence

Once issued club premises certificates have an unlimited duration and an annual fee is payable on the anniversary of the grant of the licence. 

Making changes to licences

There are certain circumstances that will require the licence holder to make an application to change their club premises certificate:

  • variation of a club premises certificate
  • minor variation of a club premises certificate and
  • notification of any changes to the role of Chairman, Secretary or Treasurer.

Application forms for changes can be downloaded from Associated documents below or from GOV.UK.

Completed forms and other required documents must be sent with the fee to the relevant local authority. Please view the current licensing Fees and charges to find out how much you will need to pay.


To make an enquiry please contact the relevant licensing authority:

Bracknell Forest: Licensing@bracknell-forest.gov.uk

West Berkshire: Licensing@westberks.gov.uk


Associated documents

Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire