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Zoo licence

Apply for a licence to keep a zoo

Zoos are regulated by the council under the Zoo Licensing Act 1981, and we cannot consider an application unless at least two months notice of the application has been given, plus publication of details in a local and national newspaper and a notice placed at the site.

We must consult, the police and fire services, governing bodies of any national institute concerned with zoos and any person wishing to object on grounds of alleged injurious effect on the health or safety of persons living in the area. We must also arrange an inspection by an inspector(s) nominated by the Secretary of State.

The licensing of zoos and the regulations are complex. If you are thinking of setting up a zoo, it is recommended that you contact your local council for guidance on the details above:

Bracknell Forest: Licensing@bracknell-forest.gov.uk

West Berkshire: Licensing@westberks.gov.uk


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Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire