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House-to-house collections

Charitable collection licence for house-to-house collections

House-to-House Collections Act 1939. To collect for charity door-to-door you must complete our house-to-house collections application form, found below in Associated documents, to obtain a permit.

Charities given an exception by the Home Office do not require a house-to-house collection permit.

All collections must be carried out in accordance with the House-to-House Collections Regulations 1947.

Completed application forms

Please submit your application form to Licensing accompanied by the house-to-house charitable collection bag (not a copy). Completed application forms must be supplied to the relevant council:

Bracknell Forest - for further information contact Licensing@bracknell-forest.gov.uk and for applications apply online

West Berkshire: Licensing, Council Offices, Market St, Newbury, RG14 5LD or scanned and emailed to Licensing@westberks.gov.uk.

There is no application fee.

Following a collection a return form must also be completed and submitted to the relevant council.


House to house collection (England and Wales)

House to House Collections Act 1939

House to House Collections Regulations 1947

Associated documents

Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire