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Petroleum licences

To run a business where petrol is stored for dispensing directly into the fuel tank of an internal combustion engine - or where large amounts of petrol are stored for private use - you need a licence from your local petroleum licensing authority.

The Public Protection Partnership is the Petroleum Licensing Authority (PLA) and has responsibility for retail above and underground petroleum storage and private workplace dispensers. The Health and Safety Executive is responsible for non-retail above ground petroleum storage.

The PLA is responsible for the following storage quantities:



Less than 2,500 litres                            


2,500 - 50,000 litres


More than 50,000 litres


Petroleum (transfer of licences)             


Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations require premises that have more than five employees to carry out a risk assessment and this must be recorded. If there is less than five employees a risk assessment must still be carried out but does not need to be recorded.

How to apply

You can apply online:

Apply for a licence to store petroleum
Tell us about a change to your existing petroleum licence
Apply to renew a petroleum storage licence

The fee payable depends upon the maximum quantity of petroleum spirit/mixtures to be kept. Fee levels are set by regulation and subject to periodic review.

The application for a licence must be accompanied by a copy of each of the following plans:

  • a plan scale 1/500 giving sufficient information to identify the site easily and the position of buildings nearby, together with public highways, footpaths and the boundary of the site
  • a drawing scale 1/100 showing the layout, including means of escape, signs, means for fighting fire, electrical and ventilation arrangements and drainage, storage tanks/containers, dispensers and associated pipework
  • before a licence can be issued, an electrical certificate testifying as to compliance with the appropriate standards and duly signed by a qualified and experienced person, must be forwarded to the petroleum officer
  • any application for planning permission or for consent under the building regulations should be the subject of separate applications to the borough planning officer and
  • proof of recorded risk assessment where premises has more than five employees.

Application process

We aim to process your application within 28 days of receiving it. As it is in the public interest that we process your application before it can be granted, please contact us if you have not heard from us within this period.


Please contact us in the first instance. If an application is refused you may appeal to the Secretary of State.

The law

Visit HSE - fire and explosion for guidance.

Associated documents

Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire