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Taxi and private hire licences

Would you be interested in tendering for home to school and social care Council-contracted transport routes?

West Berkshire Council’s Transport Services team have recently launched a £10m dynamic purchasing system (DPS) to manage home to school and social care transport routes.  Taxi, minibus and coach operators are able to apply at any point to this framework (running up to May 2032) – and those who successfully complete the assessment process will be able to view opportunities and bid for transport services contracts.

To view details and apply – please visit West Berkshire Council’s Transport DPS.

Taxis and private hire vehicles, drivers and operators

All these need to be licensed in the authority in which they are based and drivers and vehicles have
to complete a robust application process to ensure they are suitable for licensing.

Authorities also set maximum meter fares for hackney carriages (taxis).

Please be advised of current updates for the trade below: 

Tax changes from HMRC for Private Hire and Private Hire Operators - click here

As of the 27 April 2023 all Licensing Authorities in England are mandated to use the NR3S under the Taxi and Private Hire (Safety and Road Safety) Vehicle Act 2022. 

Associated documents

Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire