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West Berkshire private hire operator licence

Apply for the grant/renewal of a licence to operate private hire vehicles

Private hire vehicles and drivers may only be dispatched by a licensed private hire operator. A person can apply for an operator's licence to operate from premises within the borough. Operators are required to keep records of all their bookings in a format determined by the council. This may include paper logs or computer records.

Fares should be agreeable in advance and at the time of booking provided detailed journey information is given. Operators may subcontract bookings to other operators both within and outside the borough of district in which they are licensed. The operator remains contractually responsible for the initial booking. They must ensure that the operator to whom the booking is subcontracted holds all the necessary operator, vehicle and driver licences from the authority in which that operator is located.

Operators are only permitted to dispatch drivers and vehicles licensed by the same local authority as them.


Make a payment



We have enlisted the company Taxiplus to complete the DBS online checks on behalf of PPP. Taxiplus will be paid directly by you when you apply online. Please ensure that you also register for the updating service, you will be reminded to do so by Taxiplus as this is now a requirement.


Please use the link below, you will need your passport, driving licence and a method of payment at the time of application.


Please select the Council you are licensed with or applying to.

Any queries please contact Taxiplus. You can access the ‘Driver Help’ section of their website which has a few useful tabs – you can also live chat with Taxiplus Driver Support. The chat can be found here: https://www.taxiplus.co.uk/im-a-driver. Here is a link to one of the most helpful guides, ‘ID Guidance’ https://www.taxiplus.co.uk/oidv-guide.

Completed application

The completed application form and supporting documents must be supplied with the appropriate fee to:

Licensing, Council Offices, Market St, Newbury, RG14 5LD or scanned and emailed to Licensing@westberks.gov.uk.

Associated documents

Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire