Residents ignoring warning signs about fly tipping and littering at the Birch Hill Local Recycling Centre are being warned that they will be fined. Fly tipping in the area is a serious concern for residents and the council and the site is therefore constantly being monitored.
Dumping rubbish at recycling areas is a form of fly tipping. Fly tipping is a criminal offence and one of the most common forms of anti-social behaviour. It blights our environment, is a source of pollution, is a danger to public health, encourages vermin and can attract other forms of anti-social behaviour.
You could also receive a fine of up to £400 for fly tipping or £100 for littering. Fly Tippers may receive the offer to pay a fixed penalty charge but if they choose not to pay, proceedings will be undertaken and the fine imposed by the court can increase significantly up to £50k. You will then also receive a conviction.
You also run the risk of having your vehicle seized under the Environmental Protection Act if your vehicle is identified where fly tipping has occurred.
Officers have issued 17 fines over the Christmas and New Year Period totalling £4,700. Residents have been dumping rolls of carpet, bin bags of household waste including poultry carcasses, bags of filled glass bottles and old and broken toys and furniture. Seven fixed penalty notices for littering and 10 for fly tipping. This income is only used for further enforcement and environmental crime reduction activity.
When using this site and all other recycling areas please make sure that you take the boxes you have brought the recycling in home with you and recycle it there. Do not leave any items on the floor around the bins. If the bin is full, don’t put your rubbish on the ground.
Councillor Iskandar Jefferies lead Member for Culture, Public Protection and Democracy said “Our Officers are working hard to keep the borough clean and free of litter. We will not tolerate fly-tipping and will use our powers to issue fixed penalty notices to anyone littering or fly tipping across Bracknell Forest including at the local recycling sites. Many of these individuals think that they will not be caught but they are wrong, we investigate all reported fly-tips and if enough evidence is recovered than we will take action.”
If you have any information to help us identity who fly tipped, please get in touch using the details below: 01635 503242 or email