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15 October 2024 - Press Release – The Number of Adults Smoking in West Berkshire Reduced

This number of adults smoking in West Berkshire has continued to drop according to official estimates.


The latest data from the Department of Health and Social Care shows that the number of current smokers aged 18 and over in West Berkshire has decreased from 11.3% in 2022 to 9.7% in 2023. This is below the national average of 11.6% and also the south east regional average of 10.6%.


Most of ex- smokers see positive changes soon after quitting. After just 8 hours harmful carbon monoxide levels in your blood will have reduced by half. After 48 hours your senses of taste and smell are improving. After 2 to 12 weeks circulation will have improved, and after 3 to 9 months lung function increases by up to 10%.


While the reduction in the prevalence of adults smoking is excellent news, this Stoptober there is still support available for those people that would like to make a quit smoking attempt. Evidence shows that if a smoker makes it to 28 days smoke-free, they are five times more likely to quit for good


There are lots of support options available to help you on your quitting journey. The key is not to give up, try different combinations until you find the one that works for you. Better Health offers a range of free quitting support including the NHS Quit Smoking app.


There is also free expert support from a local stop smoking group Stop Smoking Berkshire | Smokefreelife Berkshire who can be contacted by calling 0800 6222 6360 or 0118 449 2026 or text QUIT to 66777


Here are some other ways to help you on your smoke free journey:

  • Get a plan together.
  • Inform friends and family of your intentions to quit. This will hopefully encourage them to support you.
  • Make a list of reasons to quit, set yourself a goal. Try saving the money you would spend on smoking and treat yourself or your family.
  • Avoid triggers. If associating a cigarette with a certain time of the day or place. Change your routine, avoid that area at that time if possible.
  • Keep busy. Go for a walk, take up a sport, take up a craft, join a club, you can even walk the dog or take the children on a bike ride.
  • Join a local support group, either face to face or on social media platforms.





While smoking rates have declined in recent years, over 5.3 million people in England still smoke and smoking remains the single biggest cause of preventable ill health and death. The total cost from smoking to society in England is approximately £21.8 billion each year, which includes a cost to the NHS of approximately £1.9 billion per year to treat smoking-related diseases.


The Public Protection Partnership (PPP) is a shared service delivering Environmental Health, Licensing and Trading Standards on behalf of two authorities (Partners), Bracknell Forest Council and West Berkshire Council


These services encompass a wide range of areas of responsibility from environmental protection to fair trading, food safety to animal health, housing standards to taxi licensing, and more.


Website: www.publicprotectionpartnership.org.uk

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Twitter: https://twitter.com/PublicPP_UK

Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire