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19th February 2024 - Press Release- Drivers fined for breach of weight restrictions - Offences under section 5 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984

It is an offence to drive a vehicle through a restricted area where the vehicle exceeds the weight limit imposed (unless delivering or collecting items within the weight restriction).  Routine inspections are undertaken on weight restrictions across Bracknell, West Berkshire and Wokingham areas to ensure vehicles are not breaking the law.


PPP officers also undertake routine patrols with Thames Valley Police to check for overweight vehicles on the roads.


A329 Wallingford Road Incidents on 19th April 2023


The A329 Wallingford Road near the village of Streatley is subject to an 18 tonne weight restriction.  The purpose of the Order is to preserve or improve the amenities of the area by restricting the road’s use by Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGVs).


Case 93272/93274


At 10:47 a.m., a PPP Road Traffic Enforcement Officer observed a HGV travel through the A329 Wallingford Road weight restriction.  The vehicle had a maximum gross weight of 32 tonnes.


Later the same day, at 11:01 a.m., the Officer observed a different HGV travel through the same weight restriction.


Both HGVs were being operated by the same company.


At Reading Magistrates’ Court, on the 2nd February 2024, the company pleaded guilty to both offences and was fined £660 for each offence.  The company was also ordered to pay £180 contribution towards the prosecution costs and to pay a Victim Surcharge of £528. 


That is a total penalty of £2,028.


Case 93273/93275/93276


At 10:52 a.m., 11:03 a.m., 11:19 a.m. and 11:33 a.m., the PPP Road Traffic Enforcement Officer observed 3 different HGVs travel through the A329 Wallingford Road weight restriction.  All the vehicles had a maximum gross weight of 32 tonnes and all were operated by the same company. 


At Reading Magistrates’ Court, on the 16th February 2024, the company was found guilty and fined £700 for each offence, a total of £2,800, plus £180 towards the prosecution costs and a Victim Surcharge of £1,120. 


Total penalty of £4,100.


Case 93271


At 10:43 a.m., the PPP Road Traffic Enforcement Officer observed another HGV travel through the weight restriction.  It had a maximum gross weight of 32 tonnes.


At Reading Magistrates’ Court, on the 16th February 2024, the HGV’s operator company was found guilty and fined £700, ordered to pay £180 contribution towards the prosecution costs and to pay a Victim Surcharge of £280. 


Total penalty £1,160.




Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire