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20 June 2024 - Article - Licensing and the Euros

Licensees may need to consider submitting a Temporary Event Notice to 1am if their existing hours don’t extend to 11pm.

In May we reported that the Government had published The Licensing Act 2003 (UEFA European Football Championship Licensing Hours) Order 2024. This means that if England and/ or Scotland reach the semi-final and/or final of Euro 2024 licensing hours:

  • on the day of the semi final (scheduled for 9 and/or 10 July)
  • and the final (scheduled for the 14 July)


The terminal hour for the sale of alcohol for consumption on premises and provision of late night refreshment will be extended until 1am the following day. The extension will not apply to the sale of alcohol for consumption off premises.

The extension only applies where a premises is already licensed until 11pm on that day. As the final will be on a Sunday, it is important for licensees to check their Premises Licence licensed timings to ensure they benefit from the extension.

If your Premises Licence doesn’t qualify you for this extension, you may wish to submit a Temporary Event Notice to increase your licensed timings until 1am.


Deadlines for TEN Submissions

Semi Finals 9th and/or 10th July2024:              23:59 on 24th and/or 25th June 2024

Final 14th July 2024:                                              23:59 on 28th June 2024

Apply for a Temporary Event Notice

Contact us - PPP (publicprotectionpartnership.org.uk)



The Public Protection Partnership (PPP) is a shared service delivering Environmental Health, Licensing and Trading Standards to over 450,000 people and 10,000 businesses on behalf of two authorities (Partners), Bracknell Forest Council and West Berkshire Council. In addition, PPP provide Trading Standards Services to Wokingham Borough Council.

Website:    www.publicprotectionpartnership.org.uk

Facebook: @PublicProtectionPartnershipUK

Twitter:      @PublicPP_UK

Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire