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4th October 2022 - 2022 Annual Status Reports for Bracknell Forest, West Berkshire and Wokingham Councils

2022 Air Quality Annual Status Reports for Bracknell Forest, West Berkshire and Wokingham Councils Approved by DEFRA

Part IV of the Environment Act 1995 required all Local Authorities to conduct local air quality reviews. The main reasons for tackling poor air quality are the link between air quality and the quality of life, and the need to minimise the risk of poor air quality to human health.

After submitting all 3 Annual Status Reports, within the prescribed timescale, DEFRA have approved the findings of all 3 reports, prepared by the Public Protection Partnership for Bracknell Forest Council, West Berkshire Council and Wokingham Borough Council.

These reports bring together the results of the nitrogen dioxide monitoring programme in all 3 Local Authorities and the PM10 monitoring in Bracknell Forest, which are located in areas where there are higher levels of nitrogen dioxide or within one of the Air Quality Management Areas.  The report details the actions being taken and the progress on these actions for the calendar year 2021.

Joint Public Protection Committee Executive Member for Bracknell Forest and Executive Member for Culture, Delivery and Public Protection Councillor John Harrison said, “Clean air is essential for life, health, our environment and the economy, and I am pleased that Defra has recognised the steps Bracknell Forest Council is taking to monitor and improve the air quality in the Borough.”

Councillor Thomas Marino, Joint Public Protection Committee Executive Member for West Berkshire added, “Clean air is essential for life, health, our environment and the economy, and I am pleased that Defra has approved the findings of all three of our Annual Status Reports.”

The Reports can be found on the PPP website, see link below:


For more information on Air Quality please go to the PPP website link below:


Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire