The Council is required, by law, to consult on any proposed changes to the fares and the Licensing Team would therefore welcome input from the taxi trade, residents, local businesses and taxi users alike.
The Council reviews the tariffs every year. The current fares have been in place since June 2023. The request, submitted by a member of the trade, is asking for an uplift of around 3.2% which is broadly in line with the Consumer Price Index for the 12 months to February 2024. The proposal is also seeking to introduce fouling charges which are linked to the three tariff bandings for the first time. This is to reflect the increased costs associated with cleaning a vehicle during unsociable hours which is also when the trade tends to be at its busiest.
The Executive, at its meeting on the14 March 2024, agreed that the request to consult on the changes should be undertaken. They also asked that the usual two week consultation period be extended to three weeks to take into account that it would fall over the Easter holidays.
Councillor Lee Dillon, Executive Member for Public Safety at West Berkshire said ‘It is considered good practice to review the fares annually and we therefore welcome this opportunity to receive feedback from our residents and the trade on the changes proposed.”
“Balancing the legitimate aims of the taxi trade to maintain profitability in the face of increasing costs, while protecting the public from excessive fares is a complex matter and we would, in the interests of openness and transparency, therefore encourage you to have your say on this matter.”
The consultation will run from the 21 March to 11 April 2024.
If there are objections to the proposal and they are not withdrawn the Executive will need to make a decision on whether or not to vary the fares at the 16 May 2024 meeting. If no objections are received the revised fares will come into effect on the 12 April 2024. It should be noted that these are the maximum fares that can be charged and not all operators may choose to charge them.
With so many varied voices your say can help get the right decision for all of us and ensure that both the taxi drivers and passengers get the best deal. For more information go to: Consultations - PPP (