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25 September 2024 - Press Release - Smokers Encouraged to Take Part in Stoptober 2024

This October the Public Protection Partnership is inviting smokers to take part in Stoptober 2024. Evidence shows that if a smoker makes it to 28 days smoke-free, they are five times more likely to quit for good.


When you quit smoking the benefits start almost immediately. After just 8 hours harmful carbon monoxide levels in your blood will have reduced by half. After 48 hours your senses of taste and smell are improving. After 2 to 12 weeks circulation will have improved, and after 3 to 9 months lung function increases by up to 10%.


Since first launched in 2012, Stoptober has helped over 2.5 million people make a quit smoking attempt. There are lots of support options available to help you on your quitting journey. You might want to consider the cost of different aids and the side effects. If you've tried to quit before, think about what methods worked for you and what you might want to do differently. The key is not to give up, try different combinations until you find the one that works for you.


The latest data shows that using willpower alone remains the most common approach to quitting smoking, despite being proven to be the least effective. Better Health offers a range of free quitting support including the NHS Quit Smoking app.


There’s no need to go it alone. It’s much easier to stop smoking when you get the right support Getting free expert support from a local stop smoking service is proven to give you the best chance of quitting successfully.  You could contact Stop Smoking Berkshire | Smokefreelife Berkshire by calling 0800 6222 6360 or 0118 449 2026 or text QUIT to 66777


Evidence shows that once people have got past the short-term withdrawal stage of quitting, they have reduced anxiety, depression and stress and increased positive mood compared with people who continue to smoke. Just 6 weeks after quitting, people start feeling happier as well as healthier.


Here are some ways to help you on your smoke free journey:

  • Get a plan together.
  • Inform friends and family of your intentions to quit. This will hopefully encourage them to support you.
  • Make a list of reasons to quit, set yourself a goal. Try saving the money you would spend on smoking and treat yourself or your family.
  • Avoid triggers. If associating a cigarette with a certain time of the day or place. Change your routine, avoid that area at that time if possible.
  • Keep busy. Go for a walk, take up a sport, take up a craft, join a club, you can even walk the dog or take the children on a bike ride.
  • Join a local support group, either face to face or on social media platforms.


Councillor Iskandar Jefferies, the Chairman of the Joint Public Protection Committee said: “Stoptober is a good time to think about giving your lungs a well-earned rest and recuperation. In just three months after quitting your circulation will have improved, this increases blood flow to the heart and muscles, any coughs , wheezing or problems breathing you may be troubled with will improve considerably and your lung function will improve by 10%.


Although the rate of adults smoking has dropped from 19.8% in 2011 to 12.7%. it is still the single biggest behavioural cause of preventable illness and death in England. Every year around 64,000 people in England die from smoking, with many more living with debilitating smoking-related illnesses.”


Councillor Jusitn Pemberton the Vice Chairman of the Joint Public Protection Committee said: “Key priorities of the PPP include protecting consumers from fraud and reducing harm in young people to compliment the important work of Stoptober and reducing the harm that is caused by smoking and tobacco.


This includes reducing the risks posed from the sale of illegal tobacco and nicotine products. We are working to tackle the sale of illegal tobacco which, as well as being unlawful, undermines harm reduction policies. Their sales put much cheaper products onto the market, some of which are counterfeit and many do not carry legally required health warnings.


The PPP also has a comprehensive programme in primary and secondary schools in West Berkshire  to raise awareness of the dangers of smoking and illegal tobacco.. Coupled with our under age sales test purchasing activities were are working hard to reduce the prevalence of smoking and vaping of our younger residents.”


You can sign up to take part in Stoptober here. For information on the support available locally, contact a stop smoking advisor on 0800 622 6360, text QUIT to 66777 or visit www.smokefreelifeberkshire.com


To report the sale of illegal tobacco contact the Public Protection Partnership on 01635 519930 or e-mail us at tsadvice@westberkshire.gov.uk. Alternatively contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire