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28th February 2024 - Press Release - Public Protection Partnership in conjunction with Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue Service save West Berkshire Residents £19,250

Whilst RBFRS advise that residents in mobile homes have a fire extinguisher, it is not law. Fire extinguishers which meet British safety standards can be purchased from various local retailers or online for under £20.  

In partnership with RBFRS the PPP’s Fraud Victim Support Officer attended 77 mobile homes in Thatcham, providing residents with information regarding the free Safe and Well checks offered by RBFRS and advice and guidance on how to protect yourself from being a victim of a scam.

Counciler Lee Dillon, Executive Member  for Public Safety at West Berkshire Council said ‘Doorstep scammers are on the rise, often targeting our elderly and vulnerable residents. We therefore need to support each other within our neighbourhoods and contact Trading Standards if you notice cold callers knocking on doors. We also need to be cautious when answering the door and politely decline any services being offered. Remember if it’s out of the Blue it’s not for you.

No Cold Calling stickers to place in front windows or on front doors can be requested from Trading Standards by contacting tsadvice@westberks.gov.uk, 01635 519930. Alternatively, residents can come together and agree to set up a ‘No Cold Calling Zone’ for their street or whole estate. For more information, visit No Cold Calling Zones - PPP (publicprotectionpartnership.org.uk)

Safe and Well checks can be undertaken free of charge by RBFRS to eligible residents across Berkshire. During the visit, the attending Fire Officer will check your home for potential hazards, check smoke alarms are working and where required fit smoke alarms, create an escape plan in case of a fire and provide safety advice and guidance. To find out more or to book a Safe and Well check, visit Book a Safe and Well Visit | Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue Service (rbfrs.co.uk)

Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire