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15th January 2021 - Advice to Pet Owners – what the law says about taking your pet for grooming.

Advice to Pet Owners – what the law says about taking your pet for grooming.
The latest lock down is because we need to prevent transmission of the virus. We need to stay at home - there are of course exemptions, food shopping, exercising your pet - but we must remember every time we leave our homes we are at risk of transmitting or catching the virus.
You may also leave your home to take your pet to the vets if he or she is unwell. You can also take your pet to the groomers for welfare purposes – only.
But what does this mean?
The Canine & Feline Sector Group have worked with Defra to provide some guidance. https://www.cfsg.org.uk/coronavirus/
Welfare reasons could include veterinary advice for a skin condition or excessive matting which is causing the animal distress. You should not be visiting for any other reason.
If you have concerns that your pet is suffering because they have not had a groom their fur is matted and they are stressed and unwell you may take them to a groomer. As the pet owner you are responsible for your pet’s welfare – talk to your groomer if you are concerned about your pet, but where possible, delay the groom.
Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire