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08th February 2022 - Alabama Rot

Alabama Rot

We have been made aware of two cases of Alabama Rot in the Wokingham area, however we want to reassure the public it is still a very rare disease.
  • Wash off any mud off your dog after every walk.
  • Keep them under close control so you know what they’re doing when you’re out and about.
  • If you have any concerns at all contact your vet as soon as possible.
Typical signs of Alabama rot:
  • Skin sores, visible swelling, red patch or skin defects not caused by a known injury. These skin lesions typically appear below the knee or elbow, and occasionally on the face or at the bottom of the chest or abdomen.
  • Changes in appetite - reduced appetite, drinking more, vomiting and lethargy are signs of acute kidney injury.
For more information on Alabama Rot see RSPCA link below:
Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire