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19 October 2020 - Animal Warden Team Once Again Win Gold Animal Welfare Award

Our Animal Warden team are proud to announce they have been awarded a Gold Footprint in relation to Stray Dogs in the RSPCA's 2020 Animal Welfare PawPrints awards. 

Since 2008, the RSPCA PawPrints awards has been the only award scheme across England and Wales to recognise good practice from local authorities and housing providers in relation to animal welfare. 

The scheme celebrates good practice by rewarding organisations exceeding basic and statutory service requirements with the aim of achieving higher animal welfare standards. Each Footprint has three levels – bronze, silver and gold – each level carrying progressively more demanding criteria. 

Rachel Williams, Senior Parliamentary Advisor for RSPCA wrote to PPP to give them the good news on their award:

"Congratulations once again for retaining your Award in what has been and continues to be a very difficult year for all of us. And thank you for your - and your team's - ongoing hard work for your animal residents."

Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire