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20th January 2021 - Are You Tired of Scam Phone Calls?

Are You Tired of Scam Phone Calls?

Did you know that scam calls are now outnumbering legitimate telephone calls on both landlines and mobile phones. These types of calls are causing financial loss to the victim as well as psychological harm to them and their loved ones.

There are a number of methods you can employ to reduce or completely stop these types of calls.

Step 1 - Register both your landline and mobile number with the Telephone preferential service. This will reduce the amount of legitimate companies calling you. See link here of how to register. 

Landline Phones:

  • Use your answer phone to screen your incoming calls. If you recognise the caller’s voice you can pick the phone up and be connected to them.
  • Ask your service provider if they have call blocking technology available on their service. This matches the incoming call against those numbers in your phone book and allows them through. All other callers are asked to state their name before they are let through and you will hear their voice and you have the option to accept or block the caller.

These methods won’t be suitable for all people as they may not be able to cope with the change.

  • Consider fitting a call blocker as an addition to the current phone. You can control and monitor it remotely without the need for internet in the home.

The Public Protection Partnership have fitted over 50 call blocker devices for our vulnerable residents.

The  benefits of these devices are:-

  • Allow people to live independently for longer
  • Significantly reducing the risk of financial harm
  • Reducing anxiety, confusion and stress for older people, their family and their professional carers
  • Reducing the risk of trips, falls and distraction accidents due to getting up to answer the phone unnecessarily
  • Helping those who live alone feel safer and more in control and giving peace of mind to their family and friends

Mobile Phones:

Apps can be downloaded onto the phone with similar technology described above.

If you continue to get nuisance calls see link here for further advice from Citizens Advice, including details of how to report scam calls.

You can also report scams to us via our online form here or by calling us on 01635 519930 




Bracknell Forest
West Berkshire